Ellie (Eagle Feather)

My Story

Meet Ellie!

Ellie talks about her family and Mexican culture

Ellie talks about the parents that raised her, and the loss of her biological mother

Impacts of school years on Ellie’s later life, and her love of learning

Ellie’s love of learning inspired her to teach from an early age

History of the area prior to Disneyland and a missed opportunity

Love of the arts, and learning about culture through film

Love of sports, playing baseball and tennis, and confidence

Traveling through her parent’s work, and storytelling

Ellie’s memories of her dad, who was a big inspiration to her

Ellie talks about piecing together her strengths, identity as a Curandera, interest in mental health and eventual study of sociology

Volunteering experiences from the classroom to prison

Ellie talks about her sexual orientation, keeping her personal life separate, and eventually sharing with family

Experiences with church

Loved Ones

Ellie learned what she has learned about love

Ellie shares her history with her high school sweetheart (who she reconnected with later in life)

Early experiences and Ellie’s first relationship with a woman in junior college

Experiences dating men

Meeting her first love at UC Irvine

An important relationship and struggles to balance relationship and career

Ellie shares her experience of having an abortion

Meeting her first transgender partner through a personal ad

Ellie and Renee eventually pursue different life paths and part ways

A new job and heartbreak lead Ellie to Fresno

Work at Fresno City College and mentorship to the Chicano Club

The story of Ellie meeting her partner of 30 years, and how it was foretold in a life chart reading by a psychic

Moving “back East” with Virna as was foretold in a life chart reading by a psychic


Life’s challenges both present and past

Life philosophy of “Just stay in the fight” and working for the greater good despite facing adversity

Ellie’s two lives - at work, and her personal life

Ellie talks about the recent loss of her partner of 30 years and her high school sweetheart who supported her

Ellie shares how she moves through grief


Defining success as accomplishment and learning from failures

Ellie describes that she is most proud of her work in the Civil Rights movement

Thoughts for queer youth on organizing learned from work in the Civil Rights movement

Life’s work that Ellie will leave behind, and how she hopes people celebrate her life

Regrets & Fears

Ellie shares her one regret

Elllie talks about her hopes for her living situation in what she calls her “last chapter”

Ellie reflects on a family story about forgiveness


Ellie shares how she got her name, Eagle Feather

Ellie talks about finding spirituality in her unique gifts and thorough life’s work and experiences

Ellie discusses Indigenous teachings and being caretakers for Mother Earth

Experiences in different churches

Life lessons from Sally Jesse Raphael

Ellie talks about her love of humor as a life philosophy

In response to the question, “how did you learn to trust yourself?”

Ellie shares a message she has written titled ‘Mother Earth Speaks’

Thank you so much to Ellie for her openness, beautiful storytelling, knowledge, and inspiring life philosophies!